Categories: Aviation news

UK Royal Air Force Tests AR-Based Training Technology

The UK‘s Royal Air Force will test augmented reality (AR) technology to assess its potential in increasing the number of fighter pilots. According to the RAF, BAE Systems has signed a contract with the UK Ministry of Defence and will demonstrate the Advanced Tactical Augmented Reality Systems (ATARS) on a Hawk TMk2 aircraft later this year.

This system, developed by the American company Red 6, enables pilots to identify, attack, and destroy virtual opponents, as well as collaborate with artificial wing personnel during flight.

“Utilizing the latest technologies is integral to ensuring the Royal Air Force can maintain our combat advantage and succeed in operations against an ever-evolving adversary,” said Air Commodore Keane, head of flight training and director of flight training for the 22 Group RAF. “This latest development is a very exciting proposition and opportunity, and we are all looking forward to its results.”

In practice, the pilot of the Hawk training aircraft will see virtual planes through their visor, which might include another Hawk flying alongside an enemy fighter. This artificial training allows for a reduction in the need for live personnel, more efficient fuel use, and more training hours.

The results of this demonstration will help the Royal Air Force assess the operational compatibility and capabilities of this new technology. They will need this data when considering whether augmented reality should become part of their future flight training strategy. If adopted, this technology can be continuously updated to ensure pilots maintain a combat advantage.

“We are always on the lookout for innovative technologies that could potentially enhance our training,” said the Military Flight Training unit. “By working closely with the industry, we were able to execute this contract on time, allowing the Air Force to explore this technology and assist in making future decisions regarding fighter pilot training.”

BAE Systems and Red 6 have already conducted 3D scanning and a feasibility assessment of the Hawk TMk2 training aircraft at RAF Valley. This is where the Flight Training School is located, which prepares the next generation of British fighter pilots. They used a digital image of the aircraft to understand how to integrate the ATARS system into it.

Source: ukdefencejournal

Svitlana Anisimova

I'm addicted to books and stationery, and love everything with flour, sugar, and the hate-to-love trope. Have a lot of guilty pleasures for one girl, and don’t feel guilty about it.

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