Categories: Space news

Tourist “Space Sphere” Prepares for Landmark Test Flight

In September this year, Saudi Arabia will host a test flight of a “space sphere” designed for tourists. Spanish startup Halo Space has developed this sphere for stratospheric flights with zero emissions. Each ticket is expected to cost around €150,000.

During each flight, Halo plans to carry eight passengers and one pilot aboard. The sphere will ascend to an altitude of up to 35 km, where tourists will be able to enjoy views of space. However, before this vision becomes a reality, Halo must prove the safety of the sphere. The tests in Saudi Arabia aim to provide new evidence of its reliability. If all goes according to plan, the prototype capsule, named Aurora, will rise to an altitude of 30 km above Earth. Throughout the flight, Halo will evaluate the performance of the technology.

“This mission is designed to thoroughly test all our critical systems that we have been developing over the past three years,” said Alberto Castrillo, the startup’s Chief Technical Officer. Saudi Arabia is a key partner for Halo, as the country aims to become a global leader in near-space exploration and provides significant support to this sector. The startup is also closely working with the royal industry regulator, the Communications, Space, and Technology Commission (CST). Both CST and Halo have promised to prioritize safety during the test flight.

If the mission is successful, space tourists will soon be able to purchase tickets. Halo plans to start crewed flights next year, with commercial flights scheduled to begin in 2026.

Source: Thenextweb

Julia Alexandrova

Coffee lover. Photographer. I am writing about science and space. I think it's too early for us to meet aliens. I follow the development of robotics, just in case ...

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