Categories: Aviation news

North Korea Advances in Developing Early Warning Aircraft

According to experts from the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), satellite images show progress made by North Korea in developing the country’s first early warning and control aircraft. However, the report notes that Pyongyang still faces certain technical challenges that could hinder the deployment of this platform.

The conversion work is being carried out on one of the three heavy military transport aircraft Il-76, which North Korea received from Russia in the early 1990s. These planes are officially operated by the national airline, Air Koryo, but are used in parachute training exercises and can be camouflaged, indicating their potential suitability for military use.

At the end of 2023, one of these aircraft was moved to a separate maintenance area at the airport, where security measures were heightened. A new structure appeared on the fuselage, leading to speculation about a special modification of the aircraft. It could have been converted for electronic warfare (EW) tasks or as a test platform for EW radars. The size and positioning of the new elements are similar to other Il-76 modifications into early warning aircraft, such as the A-50U in Russia (which Ukraine has reportedly shot down) or the KJ-2000 in China.

Until recently, these elements were concealed, keeping the project secret. However, recent satellite images have revealed changes, highlighting two converging vertical struts that are compatible with the installation of a radar dome. Additional photos show new struts on the lower part of the fuselage, which are often added during such modifications to improve flight performance. On September 3, the Il-76 was briefly moved outside the enclosed area to a nearby runway, possibly for engine testing.

More significant is the emergence of a new tent structure within the enclosed area, likely intended to house the radar dome. Its size, about 130 square meters, along with its height and placement, suggests that the aircraft was moved to facilitate the future installation of the radar dome.

All this clearly indicates that North Korea is working diligently to transform the Il-76 into an early warning and control platform. Such an aircraft would be a crucial addition to North Korea’s existing radar network, which still largely consists of outdated Soviet systems, despite some Chinese equipment and domestically produced mobile radars. Ground-based radars are less effective in mountainous terrain, unlike an aircraft. It remains unclear whether North Korea is developing this system independently or with the help of allies like Russia.

While the Il-76 is a reliable platform for such upgrades, North Korea’s limited aviation industry might work against it. It’s worth recalling Iraq’s attempt to convert an Il-76 into an early warning aircraft, which reportedly suffered a structural failure in flight, leading to the detachment of the radar antenna.

Source: armyrecognition

Svitlana Anisimova

I'm addicted to books and stationery, and love everything with flour, sugar, and the hate-to-love trope. Have a lot of guilty pleasures for one girl, and don’t feel guilty about it.

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